MPB:5200:0EXW (Fall, Spring and Summer)

This is a 5 credit, 15 week (approximately 55 lectures) self-paced course which examines the cellular and organ systems of Medical Physiology for Distance Education. The tuition will be assessed at the College of Medicine tuition rate. Students must register for the online course by going to the MyUI site at the University of Iowa (non-UI students go HERE) to enroll.

The course can be completed in less than 15 weeks depending upon the completion of each exam but not to extend beyond one semester (15 weeks). The course is delivered using online streaming audio and video of lectures, syllabus, as well as PowerPoint slide presentations, all available on ICON (Iowa Courses Online). On-line support and out-of-class communication will be during electronic (email) office hours. Response time for questions will normally be within 48 hours.

The fundamental principles of cellular membranes, muscle, sensory organs, motor neurological systems, autonomic nervous systems, cardiovascular, pulmonary, renal, gastrointestinal, endocrine, and reproductive systems are covered. The interdependence of organ systems to maintain a normal physiological state will be emphasized using clinical correlates as applied to humans. The goal of the course is to provide basic physiological principles that establish a solid foundation for future pathophysiological and pharmacological concepts. The course is team-taught by 9 faculty members from the Department of Molecular Physiology and Biophysics in the Carver College of Medicine at The University of Iowa. There are five section examinations covering nine general organ systems and a comprehensive final exam. Grades are determined by the percentage of points earned from the exams (100% from section exams). The course is appropriate for medical, dental, physician assistant, nurse anesthesia, physical therapy, and graduate students.

For more information contact the course directors: 

Rafael Cabeza